Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let the craziness begin!

This morning Debbee let me know that the listing price on the townhouse had dropped $4,100 since last week! Woohoo!!!  I told her I wanted to look at it this week rather than looking at any new ones, and we scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Then I told her I wanted to make an offer that was another $4,700 lower.  Don't ask where I came up with that number...it's supposed to look like much thought, consideration and analysis went into it but in truth it was a figure I picked out of thin air right before taking my daily cat-nap at lunch this afternoon.  :-)

Oh, and this really isn't a "townhouse" it's a "condo."  Well, it's the biggest 3-story, 2-car garage condo I've ever seen!  LOL  Unfortunately, being a condo the complex has to be approved by the bank (thankfully, it looks like this one already is) but also the interest rate is 1/8th of a percent higher and I think they require a higher down payment.  Both of which are manageable, just frustrating.

Another moment of panic was a partial voicemail I got from my lender, Jennifer, this evening. Thankfully I heard the gist of it and knew things would work out ok before my cellphone battery died, but when she was verifying my available assets she came across my investment statement that also lists my mom's name on one of the accounts.  Poor Jennifer sounded terribly upset in the voicemail  asking if this was a retirement account of my moms that I had access to and did I plan on taking a loan from it, or could the investment firm supply a document saying there were mine or "and I hate to have to ask this" we might need mom's death certificate.  Both items are readily available but I felt bad for not realizing that statement would need further explanation and for putting Jennifer in such an awkward position!  She had left for the day by the time I got my phone to a charger and was able to listen to the rest of her message, so hopefully she doesn't let this worry her too much tonight until she gets my message tomorrow.

The craziness I'll accept, but I'm going to refrain from getting excited until a lot of trees have been sacrified to create all the documents needed to make this sweet baby mine. ;-)